Approximately five acres of commercial property adjacent and west of the new 7 Eleven at the corner of US 158 and Woods Road with access from US 158 already in place with access from Woods Road as well. The property is part of a Planned Commercial Development which allows for many uses. The property is zoned BC-2 (Beach Commercial Two) which also allows all uses in (BC-1) Beach Commercial One plus Beach Commercial Two. The property is currently approved for 14 units per acre multi-family. The property consists of approximately 5 acres, of which 2 acres were/are ACOE Jurisdictional Wetlands. There is an existing ACOE permit to fill 1.33 acres of the jurisdictional wetlands, however the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that “isolated wetlands” are non jurisdictional. Earlier this year the North Carolina General Assembly approved new legislation removing the requirement for the “repair” septic disposal area for residential construction. This was done in an effort to aid with the current housing crisis. This law comes into effect in 2024. This property is located at he entrance to the Outer Banks and has the highest traffic flow in Dare County. This property is of proximity to Walmart, Home Depot, OBX Chevrolet, Harris Teeter, Food Lion and numerous Banking Institutions.